Cara ini butuh 1 orang lvl.50 yg mnurutmu paling kuat dan weapon 90+ dngn flash.
Main di wu zhang plains (master) pk kuda pling cepat.ambil jalur paling pojok kiri peta.
Dan k markas liu bei secepat cepatnya dan bunuh liu bei!!
1xlvl dpt kurang lebih 5000 exp
jd 100000:5000=20xmain saja
tp lvl'a cukup sulit
Kamis, 31 Desember 2009
Stats dan skill
Untuk melihat perkembangan maximal stiap leveling kuda .ini ringkasan'a:
39 untuk speed
minimal 344 utk max
49 untuk jump
minimal 304 utk max
94 untuk destruction
minimal 124 utk max
79 untuk attack
minimal 184 utk max
jd bila mw dpt kuda yg max stat'a harus melebihi smwa stats di atas.
lvl2-tk dpt ap2
lvl3-find saddle/weapon+element
lvl4-renbu gait,musou spirit+element(jika tk dpt d lvl3)
lvl5-skill untuk stiap warna pd kuda raja,skill yg lain
39 untuk speed
minimal 344 utk max
49 untuk jump
minimal 304 utk max
94 untuk destruction
minimal 124 utk max
79 untuk attack
minimal 184 utk max
jd bila mw dpt kuda yg max stat'a harus melebihi smwa stats di atas.
lvl2-tk dpt ap2
lvl3-find saddle/weapon+element
lvl4-renbu gait,musou spirit+element(jika tk dpt d lvl3)
lvl5-skill untuk stiap warna pd kuda raja,skill yg lain
Melatih kuda (training)
Latihlah kudamu di tempat yg tercepat sprti di changban ato guan du.
Bila membunuh 1 orang dpt 20xp
brarti 1000:20=50 orang+bonus xp=200,..
Tp klw mw dpt skill dn stat yg smpurna gunakan 1 orang lvl 50 dengan skill horsemanship.
Prlu d ktahui kuda raja perlu di latih oleh orang yg pnya skill itu.krna bila tidak bila stat'a kurang dri 485 dia tk akn jd kuda raja.
Dan untuk mndapat stat dan skill yg bnyak
bunuh 100 ato lbih.bila itu kuda raja.maka akn dpt 4 klw kuda biasa 3 skill.
Main di lvl easy,dan hard
stiap lvl maen di easy dpt 1200exp
1200 x 3=3600exp klo maen 3 kali
terakhir maen di hard dpt 1400exp.jadi 3600+1400=5000
jd stiap melatih butuh mainkan 4 level saja.
Bila membunuh 1 orang dpt 20xp
brarti 1000:20=50 orang+bonus xp=200,..
Tp klw mw dpt skill dn stat yg smpurna gunakan 1 orang lvl 50 dengan skill horsemanship.
Prlu d ktahui kuda raja perlu di latih oleh orang yg pnya skill itu.krna bila tidak bila stat'a kurang dri 485 dia tk akn jd kuda raja.
Dan untuk mndapat stat dan skill yg bnyak
bunuh 100 ato lbih.bila itu kuda raja.maka akn dpt 4 klw kuda biasa 3 skill.
Main di lvl easy,dan hard
stiap lvl maen di easy dpt 1200exp
1200 x 3=3600exp klo maen 3 kali
terakhir maen di hard dpt 1400exp.jadi 3600+1400=5000
jd stiap melatih butuh mainkan 4 level saja.
weapon ( senjata )
weapon 55-65 play on easy
contohnya maen di changban
weapon 66-75 play on normal
contohnya di changban
weapon 70-85 play on hard
weapon 80-90 play on master
he fei or wu zhang
range (langka)
weapon 90-100 play on chaos
anywhere including the easy stages
weapon max 120-125 with flash
(very rare to get it must try it until get)
play on wu zhang or he fei and complete 3 target with 2 player lady luck and horse with find weapon
this is work for all platform
contohnya maen di changban
weapon 66-75 play on normal
contohnya di changban
weapon 70-85 play on hard
weapon 80-90 play on master
he fei or wu zhang
range (langka)
weapon 90-100 play on chaos
anywhere including the easy stages
weapon max 120-125 with flash
(very rare to get it must try it until get)
play on wu zhang or he fei and complete 3 target with 2 player lady luck and horse with find weapon
this is work for all platform
Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009
Ps3 time trick horse
test them, all working, hope everone can have Horse Kings. in my video is testing DAPPLE KING 3/07/2008 11:50 pm Time zone mm/dd/yyyy The Real Way To Get The Horse Kings First off, for a horse to be a rare horse, it must have the description "His eyes consider the world and has a heavenly physique". Key words here are Considers and Heavenly. There are 6 rare horses, one for each color. Time Tricks RED HARE 08/04/2008 12:01 am battle of guan du, wei' force, easy 2 lvl 50s with lady luck both with horses with find saddle complete target 2 and 3. you will get a horse named ginger striker. save this horse and repeat the steps again (same time everything 'means u need set back to 08/04/2008 12:01 am again') you will now get red hare named ultimate dream the second time 379 312 142 203 SHADOW RUNNER 03/01/2008 11:40 PM Shi Ting, Easy, Wei Side 2 lv 50 characters with lady luck both with horses with find saddle Kill zhou fang with player 1, take weapon. Kill Ling tong with player 2, take weapon. Achieve target 3 ONLY Pick up saddle from crate Southern Striker will be the third horse you get *when i control two player by myself, they drop exp, until i try to do it with two people. so if drop exp happened, try to do it with two people, will working, i donot konw why :( * GREY KING (HEX MARK) 3/17/2008 12:00 am Yellow turban rebellion, easy 2 lvl 50s with lady luck both with horses with find saddle complete target 1 pick up saddle from crate Horse name is Blue Striker AUBURN KING 8/04/2008 12:17am guan du, easy, cao cao's forces 2 lvl 50s with lady luck both with find saddle horses pick up saddle from crate and weapon box from zhen ji complete targets 2 and 3. Horse name is Quiet Dream 335 307 177 201 DAPPLE KING 3/07/2008 11:50 pm yellow turban, easy 2 lvl 50s with lady luck both with horses with find saddle complete target 1 pick up one weapon from an officer pick up saddle from crate Horse name is Eastern Comet EBON KING 3/07/2008 11:50pm yellow turban, easy 2 lvl 50s with lady luck both with horses with find saddle complete target 1 pick up saddle from crate Horse name is Ginger Shadow To do a time trick, first go to the Date and Time settings on your ps3 and change the date to the one for the horse you want. Now just do all the requirements for that horse. If you already have a horse by the same name it will not work so make sure you get rid of that horse first. Saddle Crate locations Yellow Turban Rebellion - bottom left hand corner of the map on the cliff by the base. Guan Du - bottom left hand corner of the map right by the wall after jumping off the cliff. Shi Ting - by the southern entrance of the base in the center of the map. Leveling The maximum each stat can grow per level is... 39 for speed (minimum 344 for max) 49 for jump (minimum 304 for max) 94 for destruction (minimum 124 for max) 79 for attack (minimum 184 for max) Of course you are going to want higher than the minimum for a higher chance of having a max stat. Abilites that can be learned for each Level 2 - nothing Level 3 - Arrow Dance, Find Saddle, Find Weapon plus an element Level 4 - Renbu Gait, Musou Spirit Level 5 - Special Skill pertaining to horse color AND one of the other skills that hasn't been learned. Note that if you do not get the ability/element/stat growth you want, then you should reset and try again by either picking up a different amount of weapons or starting a new level. It is also possible to get an element on a different level assuming you did not get one at level 3.
Lokasi kotak kuda
Yellow turban rebellion
di selatan barat trdpt jalur kcil ikuti jalur dan ke kiri
He fei castle
dekat kastil di bagian barat di sebuah pohon di dlm kastil
wu zhang plains
area kosong di pojok barat dekat zhang he jika kau tim cao pi
conquest of wu
di slatan barat dkat bntng .di dkat pintu keluar.di sebuah pijakan
chang ban
di utara barat dekat refuges
fan castle
di dinding atas sebelah pojok timur kastil
shi ting
di selatan barat di dekat benteng di tempat zhou fang
mt.ding jun
di slatan gunung terdapa celah dimana huang zhong brd
han zhong
atas kiri peta stlah menyebrangi sungai
tong gate
di daratan di tengah peta yg pling bwh
xu chang
di tangga panjang menuju pintu timur.dimana xun yu berdiri.lalu ke atas di dkat tangga
chi bi
dekat west watch post
yi ling
utara jalan,lalui jalan kecil dan smpe di jln buntu
hu lao gate
di bukit diatas center base
cheng du
atas kanan dkt sungai,utara benteng
xia pi
utara timur di kastil,terdapat jalan
Cara 2 dapetin red hare king ps2,ps3,pc,xbox 360 only
Kau harus punya:
-2 orang lvl 50 skill lady luck
-2 kuda find saddle
-salah satu kudanya grey king dngn find saddle dan karmic spirit
-Lu Bu lvl.50
1.maen di chang ban lvl hard,master,chaos
2.ambil kotak kuda
3.bunuh peasent chieftan
4.bunuh oficer(utk dptkn saddle)
5.bunuh zhuge liang dan zhang fei sblum ending
6.bunuh liu bei
cara ini membutuhkan waktu yg lama,dan harus sabar krna disini kau manen kuda jd stiap lvl lo dpt 4 kuda.trus coba smpe dapet.klw dah dpt kuda c/h red latih pk lubu lvl.50 bunuh 150 orang stiap levelin kuda bwat dpt 4 skill sm memperbagus stats'a.jangan melatih pk orng biasa krna itu akn fatal.karna jika kuda itu slh satu stats'a kurang dri 490 di lvl.5 tu gk bkal jd king
disini trdapat 3 pengaruh
lady luck:utk mndapat benda atau kuda bgus
karmic spirit:mndapat
benda atau kuda bgus
horsemanship:membuat kudamu mndpt stats tmbhan
jd (karmic spirit x2)+(lady luck x2)
cara ni juga bisa bwat dptin kuda king yang lain tinggal cari warna sm deskripsi'a
1.shadow runner king (hitam) cao cao punya
2.Grey king (putih) liu bei punya
3.Red hare king (merah) lubu dan guan yu punya
4.ebon king(coklat)
5.dapple king(coklat kuning)
6.auburn king(oranye)
Red Hare King :
disini trdapat bnyk cara untuk mendapatkannya
1.time trick
for Xbox 360 and ps3
atur waktu menjadi dd/mm/yyyy lalu masukan spesifikasi waktu 04/08/2008 12:01 am.coba di guan du lvl.easy 2 orang lady luck (liu bei,jhen ji,..etc)pk 2 kuda find saddle.jangan ambil saddle ato weapon during gameplay!!hanya ambil kotak kuda saja setelah itu.kalahkan yuan shao.kau mndapatkan ginger striker(coklat kelap) ambil kuda nii.lalu set wktu sm kyk tadi disini lo dpt c/h horse red namanya ultimate dream.jika tidak dapat coba ulang dengan menambah ato mengurangi 1-20 detik.
disini trdapat bnyk cara untuk mendapatkannya
1.time trick
for Xbox 360 and ps3
atur waktu menjadi dd/mm/yyyy lalu masukan spesifikasi waktu 04/08/2008 12:01 am.coba di guan du lvl.easy 2 orang lady luck (liu bei,jhen ji,..etc)pk 2 kuda find saddle.jangan ambil saddle ato weapon during gameplay!!hanya ambil kotak kuda saja setelah itu.kalahkan yuan shao.kau mndapatkan ginger striker(coklat kelap) ambil kuda nii.lalu set wktu sm kyk tadi disini lo dpt c/h horse red namanya ultimate dream.jika tidak dapat coba ulang dengan menambah ato mengurangi 1-20 detik.
Jumat, 11 Desember 2009
Character unlocking
Unlockable How to Unlock
Voice Gallery Raise a character to level 50
Very Hard Difficulty Clear Musou Mode with any character
Chaos Difficulty Complete 1 Wei, Shu, Wu, Other Musou Mode
Cao Cao Clear 3 Wei Musou Modes
Cao Ren Complete target 2 Fan Castle - Lu Bu side
Diao Chan Complete 1 Wei, Shu, Wu Musou Mode
Dong Zhuo Complete target 1 Hu Lao Gate - Lu Bu side
Guan Ping Complete target 2 Fan Castle - Shu side
Huang Gai Complete target 3 Chi Bi - Wu side
Huang Zhong Complete target 1 Ding Jun - Wei side
Lu Bu Complete Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Diao Chan usou mode
Liu Bei Complete 3 Shu Musou Mode
Sun Jian Complete 3 Wu Musou Mode
Zhang Liao Complete 1 Wei Musou Mode
Zhuge Liang Complete 1 Shu Musou Mode
Gan Ning Complete 1 Wu Musou Mode
Sun Quan Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the LuBu side The Battle of Chi Bi
Wei Yan Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Shu side of WuZhang Plains and finish battle with Wei Yan alive
Zhou Tai Succeed in 3 battle objectives on the Shu side of Yi Ling
Zhang Jiao Beat stage with completing all three targets in the Yellow Turban Rebellion.
Xiao Qiao Succeed in Battle Objective 3 on the Wu side of the Battle of Shi
Xu Huang Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Wei/Wu side of Fan Castle
Ma Chao Succeed in battle objective 2 on the Wei side of Han Zhong Attack
Defense Battle
Lu Meng Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Wei side of He Fei
Xiahou Yuan Succeed in 1 battle objective on the Shu side of Ding Jun Mountain
Sun Ce Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Sun Jian side of the Battle of Xia Pi
Yuan Shao As Wei, complete all 3 targets and capture Wu Chao before completin
g the stage.
Pang Tong Succeed in 3 battle objectives at Cheng Du battle and finish battle
with Pang Tong alive
Zhen Ji Succeed Battle Objective 1 in Xu Du Invasion Battle (Lu Bu Scenario)
Yue Ying Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Wei Side of Wu Zhang Plains
Zhang He Succeed in 3 Battle Objectives on the Shu Side of the Battle of Han Zhong
Ling Tong Succeed in 3 Battle Objectives on the Wei Side of the Battle of Shi Ting
Xu Zhu Succeed in he fei castle with wu and kill cao ren and xu zhu
Character Costumes Raise a character to level 25
Voice Gallery Raise a character to level 50
Very Hard Difficulty Clear Musou Mode with any character
Chaos Difficulty Complete 1 Wei, Shu, Wu, Other Musou Mode
Cao Cao Clear 3 Wei Musou Modes
Cao Ren Complete target 2 Fan Castle - Lu Bu side
Diao Chan Complete 1 Wei, Shu, Wu Musou Mode
Dong Zhuo Complete target 1 Hu Lao Gate - Lu Bu side
Guan Ping Complete target 2 Fan Castle - Shu side
Huang Gai Complete target 3 Chi Bi - Wu side
Huang Zhong Complete target 1 Ding Jun - Wei side
Lu Bu Complete Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Diao Chan usou mode
Liu Bei Complete 3 Shu Musou Mode
Sun Jian Complete 3 Wu Musou Mode
Zhang Liao Complete 1 Wei Musou Mode
Zhuge Liang Complete 1 Shu Musou Mode
Gan Ning Complete 1 Wu Musou Mode
Sun Quan Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the LuBu side The Battle of Chi Bi
Wei Yan Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Shu side of WuZhang Plains and finish battle with Wei Yan alive
Zhou Tai Succeed in 3 battle objectives on the Shu side of Yi Ling
Zhang Jiao Beat stage with completing all three targets in the Yellow Turban Rebellion.
Xiao Qiao Succeed in Battle Objective 3 on the Wu side of the Battle of Shi
Xu Huang Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Wei/Wu side of Fan Castle
Ma Chao Succeed in battle objective 2 on the Wei side of Han Zhong Attack
Defense Battle
Lu Meng Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Wei side of He Fei
Xiahou Yuan Succeed in 1 battle objective on the Shu side of Ding Jun Mountain
Sun Ce Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Sun Jian side of the Battle of Xia Pi
Yuan Shao As Wei, complete all 3 targets and capture Wu Chao before completin
g the stage.
Pang Tong Succeed in 3 battle objectives at Cheng Du battle and finish battle
with Pang Tong alive
Zhen Ji Succeed Battle Objective 1 in Xu Du Invasion Battle (Lu Bu Scenario)
Yue Ying Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Wei Side of Wu Zhang Plains
Zhang He Succeed in 3 Battle Objectives on the Shu Side of the Battle of Han Zhong
Ling Tong Succeed in 3 Battle Objectives on the Wei Side of the Battle of Shi Ting
Xu Zhu Succeed in he fei castle with wu and kill cao ren and xu zhu
Character Costumes Raise a character to level 25
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